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Indoor Bowling

You will be assured a warm and friendly welcome, whether you are an experience bowler or a newcomer to indoor bowls here at Swinton.


Our 14 Indoor Bowling Leagues incorporate a total of 117 teams that run from September to April, with a break over Christmas and New Year.


It is ideal for Summer Crown and Indoor Flat Green Bowlers who want to keep their hand in over the cold winter months & continue to play competitively.


We also hold regular Bowls Drives, which are a great informal way to gain bowling experience and to meet new friends. Bowls Drives are open to non members with a £1.00 admission charge.


Swinton Indoor Bowling Club is affiliated to the EIBA and the EWIBA.

Members playing Indoor Bowling Rink 1
Members playing Indoor Bowling Rink 2
Indoor Bowling rink - 4
Indoor Bowling rink- 17
Members playing Indoor bowls
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